
Developing a strong grounding in number is essential so that all children develop the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically.


-UK Department of Education



What does that mean at Dusit?

Our Early Years staff provide frequent and varied opportunities for students to confidently build and apply:

  • The understanding of numbers
  • Identifying patterns within numbers
  • Spatial reasoning skills including shape, space and measures
  • Relevant vocabulary

Through carefully planned resources and learning stations our staff use manipulatives** as a way to help our children perceive mathematical concepts and gain appropriate hands-on experience. By carefully identifying which objects each child identifies best with, our staff can ensure effective and personalised learning takes place.

It is important that our children develop positive attitudes and interests in mathematics. By building confidence to talk about what they have discovered, with staff and friends, they become unafraid to make mistakes and take on challenges.

** Manipulative materials are any concrete objects that allow students to explore an idea. Manipulatives can be almost anything – blocks, pebbles, shapes, spinners or even paper.

Come and visit us!

We know that a phone call or visit to our website can't capture the feeling of walking into our campus and seeing the students in their daily activities. We'd be happy to meet with your family to discuss our school, admissions process and show you around our campus. St. Andrews Dusit is located 5 minutes' drive from Victory Monument BTS.

Let us show you more!

Discover a world of opportunities under one roof as this truly international education offers a personalised curriculum tailored to empower your child's future path.