
Topic lessons at Dusit seek to spark a fire of curiosity in every student. During these lessons, we seek to weave history and geography together to develop in our pupils a deep and critical understanding of how the world around them works.


We firmly believe that when pupils have a better understanding of the world they live in, they are more able to decide how they can find a meaningful and impactful place within it.

Pupils focus on how they can become compassionate, caring, courageous and honest people by learning more about those who have come before them. Through studying wide themes, pupils learn that these subjects do not live in isolation but that they contribute to a shared understanding of humanity.

Pupils at Dusit focus each term on a topic selected to build, develop and engage their curiosity. ‘Kingdoms and Castles’ and ‘Marvellous Machines’ are examples of the topics that are used by our students to develop a better understanding of how they fit in the world around them. These topics are brought to life through drama, theme days, debates, trips and guest speakers.

Our students are taught the skills that allow them to be critical, insightful thinkers who can evaluate information, consider the chronology of events, interpret evidence and reflect on cause and consequence.


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We know that a phone call or visit to our website can't capture the feeling of walking into our campus and seeing the students in their daily activities. We'd be happy to meet with your family to discuss our school, admissions process and show you around our campus. St. Andrews Dusit is located 5 minutes' drive from Victory Monument BTS.

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Discover a world of opportunities under one roof as this truly international education offers a personalised curriculum tailored to empower your child's future path.