
Happy, resilient and empowered to succeed. These principles represent our ambition for every child at Dusit.

Our uncompromising culture of care ensures the safety and well-being of all children is at the heart of St. Andrews Dusit. This includes the security of our learning environments, the emotional well-being of our students, the rigorous vetting of our staff, and robust policies, procedures and training in child safeguarding.

What does safeguarding mean at Dusit?

Policy Statement:

At Dusit we are committed to promoting the welfare of each child and to ensure that all children have equal rights to be protected and the right to feel safe. We create and maintain a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment where each child can thrive and develop physically, socially, emotionally, and academically.

We define safeguarding as:

Protecting children from maltreatment

Preventing impairment of children’s health or development

Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care

Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

Safeguarding principles:

Our principles of safeguarding are universal and apply to all Cognita schools.

1. Everyone has a responsibility to support the protection of children.

2. Educate all staff in understanding the categories of abuse and the consequent duty of care they hold to notice any potential harm to children.

3. Empower all staff to act in the best interests of the child to protect them from harm or abuse and take appropriate actions if any concerns arise.

4. Know our children well and offer timely support to those who have experienced, or are at risk of experiencing, an adverse childhood experience.

5. Empower all children to be able to voice their opinion and to share their thoughts and beliefs within the safe environment of the school.

6. Educate and raise awareness in children of how to manage risk, identify harmful behaviours and seek help when needed.

7. Ensure that every adult who works with or for the school is safe to do so.

Children are most effectively safeguarded when our school community has a clear understanding of the reporting requirements and processes established by the school. It is through collaborative efforts and partnership that we ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students is consistently upheld.

Policies are available to view, please contact our DSL Miss Sonal Trivedi (


Rigorous safer recruitment process

We carry out a full global background check on all our members of staff. This covers identity, criminal background, education, qualifications and reference checks prior to starting at our school.

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Regular safeguarding training for all staff

We conduct training which is continuous throughout the year to all our staff. This includes any outside providers for clubs, camps, ECAs, transport and catering.


Positive student-to-student and student-to-staff relationships

We pride ourselves on Dusit being a community school in which every member is not only valued and respected but one where every voice matters and is heard.


Student and staff mentor system

To ensure new members of our community feel included and settled into Dusit life, we pair them with a ‘buddy’. This can be a peer in their class or a colleague, this helps with transition, making friends and feeling academically settled. Every member of the Dusit community is active and responsible for helping new starters feel welcome.


External Support

Sometimes we may seek support from external agencies, including for early help and intervention. We have good links with a range of support services such as counselling, psychologists, SEN specialists and behaviour therapists.


Personal, Social and Health Education Program

We use a scheme of work that covers all aspects of Personal, Social, Health Education that gives our children the relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others.


Independent safeguarding reviews

Being part of the Cognita schools group ensures we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of care, safety and well-being for all our children. Maintaining these standards mean receiving yearly Safeguarding Audits, in which an independent regulator monitors and assesses; the security of our learning environments, the students emotional well-being, the rigorous vetting of our staff, robust policies, procedures and training in safeguarding. We do this to ensure our school goes above and beyond what is required to keep our students safe.


Student voice initiatives

Each year we carry out a ‘Voice of the Student Survey’, this is for each individual student to provide their feedback on feeling safe at school, their teachers and their learning. This helps us to reflect, improve and ensure we are the best we can be.

‘Obtaining, interpreting and using feedback is at the heart of the Cognita Way: a key aspect of building a learning community in each school.’ – Cognita


We have a designated member of staff who takes responsibility for this area. All policies are available on request please contact –

  Ms. Megan Ramones is the Designated Safeguarding Lead  

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