The importance of parental involvement in a child’s education
Within the world of international education there is a resounding view and aim, that the more a school works together with parents and guardians to aid a child’s learning, the more successful and happier the child is. A wise school understands the benefits of creating a school community where parents also feel welcome and supported and engaged in their child’s education.
Research shows that when a school focuses on the active involvement of parents within the school community and student’s education, there is increased improvement in the child’s academic and social achievement. Through this real working partnership between the school and parents, a fully supported child becomes a confident, empowered, and happy learner.
Parents are seen to become more engaged in the process if they are involved in school meetings and events, and most importantly when they are supported by the school to continue the child’s learning at home.
Key points to the school & parent partnership:
Parents: a child’s first teacher
Parents and guardians are the first, most present and loyal teachers in any child’s life – therefore introducing them to their child’s education at school goes hand in hand with working with a class teacher in providing a seamless and supported learning environment.
Information & support is key
To help engage a parent in their child’s education it is vitally important that a school keep parents and guardians continually informed about the learning program and each student’s progress, and to offer ways in supporting them through their child’s learning journey.
Learning continues at home
For a child to achieve their full potential at school it is essential that a child continues with their studies at home and this normally can only be effectively achieved when parents and school have a good relationship and can communicate.
Parents need to be heard
Parents need proper representation and schools should always allow for the establishment of official platforms where parents can air their views and be part of decision making. These can take the form of a council, an association or online forum – a place where parents have the opportunity to become involved in their child’s education and school life.
“Parental engagement is a powerful lever for raising achievement in schools. Where parents and teachers work together to improve learning, the gains in achievement are significant.”
Engaging Parents in Raising Achievement: Do Parents Know They Matter?
University of Warwick, UK
St. Andrews International Dusit
At St. Andrews Dusit we understand that schools must be open and positive towards the involvement and engagement of parents and guardians in children’s education. We believe that developing positive relationships with parents is essential to creating a successful school, with happy students working to achieve their full potential.
There is a strong sense of community at St. Andrews Dusit and parents, children and teachers all work together in a genuine partnership for the benefit of the students who attend the school.
St. Andrews Dusit Parent Teacher Group (PTG)
The PTG actively participates in school life and aims to foster a closer relationship between parents and teachers. Our PTG meets regularly giving all parents an opportunity to socialise and make new friends, an important factor when transitioning into a new school. Playing an active role in the Dusit community, parents and teachers work together not just on educational and welfare matters but to help keep alive the diverse cultural traditions of our students and the school.
There are many opportunities for parents to get involved in our school calendar, ranging from volunteering in the classroom, organizing and fundraising school events. Our school has an open door policy where parents can meet teachers and our senior management team regarding their child or school life.
At St. Andrews Dusit our Parent Teacher Group (PTG) has been prominently established since our school founding in 2010. The aim of our parent teacher association is to work collectively to provide a high quality learning environment for the children in our joint care, by sharing information, concerns, organising events and connecting with our local community and charities.
PTG Mission: to work together for the common good of our student body and community. To foster goodwill amongst parents, teachers and friends towards our school. Apart from helping to plan whole school events, the PTG also benefits the school community through:
- Welcoming new families
- Fund-raising activities
- Social events for parents and teachers
- Discussion groups for parents and teachers
- Annual Voice of the Parent survey
““We are very fortunate to have close ties with our parent community. We actively encourage parents to support and become involved in the school in a variety of different ways, including supporting our local charities, joining our Parent and Teacher Association, being active in our school calendar events and even coming in to read to our students.””
Caroline Ratcliffe
Head of School, Dusit
Report: The Positive Relationship Between Family Involvement and Student Success